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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mama Tried- Merle Haggard

In the early 90's when I was as young radical child growing up in the rural county, I played with slick hot wheels, I concumed mass quanities of rubbery frozen chicken nuggets and I love to play outside in the dirt, but more than any those needs. I needed one thing, one person much more and that was my momma. Not every child but most children have a strong attachment to their caregivers, Lovers, their mothers. Just as sweet mothers have a strong attachment to their children. Mother's want the best for their beautiful little spawns. Mothers want to give there children nice clothes, a good education and for them to succeed in life. No matter how bad you didn't want to go to stupid school, no matter how much you hated that green grass colored broccoli Mama made you. No matter how awake you were at bedtime or how you didn't want to play in the mud, she made you go to bed and wouldn't let you play in the mud(but I did anyway). All you can say is Mama Tried.
The lyrics I have today is from not only a man but a legend. One of country music's greatest artist of all time. The old and bold Merle Haggard. Merle Haggards father died of cancer when he was only nine years so he grew up without a father figure and continued to act out. He was in and out of Juvenile Detention centers numerous times throughout his life until he went to prison. While in prison at San Quinton he attended one Johny Cash's three concerts there. From then on he knew he should straighten up his life and pursue a singing career. So as his singing career began, he wrote many songs about his troubled childhood and the only person that loved him then. His mama.
"And I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole.
No-one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried.
Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleading, I denied.
That leaves only me to blame 'cos Mama tried.
In this lyric Merle Haggard is talking about his time in prison. All he can remember is the happy times in his life before he went wrong. He recalls all the attempts his mother tried to turn him around into a decent citizen. After time spent in Juvenile Dentition he still wasn't on the right path, but his mother still tried. After escaping prison twice and being caught again still on the wrong road, his mother tried to steer him right. His mother had different plans for her son, she tried to raise them the best she knew how but he wouldn't adjust. As she begged and pleaded for him not to walk out that door to a life of lies and sin, he denied her request.
Now while in prison. Juvenile Detention and prison couldn't change him because he he blamed all his problems and misfortunes on other people. Point the finger at his friends and family for his own troubles. But soon he realized after seeing Johnny Cash in concert that they weren't the ones to blame. His mother tried and tried and tried but failed until the day he realized its was him own self to blame.

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